Thursday, 15 October 2009


The Bad, the Dead and the Culturally Bankrupt 1988

Every year around this time someone might ask me if I am going to or have been to the Frieze art fair. I smile politely and mutter that I haven't really got time or that I can't stand art fairs anyway.... Actually both of these are true, but the real truth is that it's like being asked if you are going to a party that you haven't had an invitation to. Having existed as an artist for 30 odd years it's more than a little galling to be excluded from the high profile event that supposedly epitomises the public understanding of contemporary art. But would I want to join a club that celebrates Grayson Perry for wearing (little girl) frocks in public for the purposes of courting attention, and Tracey Emin for reasons that are beyond my understanding? I'm sorry to admit that the answer is yes (Pity about Perry, at least he is intelligent and articulate, neither of which can be said about Tracey). Oh well, wrong kind of art, I suppose.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

                 No Arabs, No Terror  2003